May 2019 Partners Meeting

May was an exciting month at UCAIR. We had the honor of Salt Lake County Mayor, Jenny Wilson attending our board meeting. There was great discussion about various opportunities for Salt Lake County and UCAIR to work together on air quality issues. Then, during our May 2019 UCAIR partners meeting we heard From Laura Hanson with UTA about their service choice planning process.

UTA Service Choice – Laura Hanson, Director of Planning

The Utah Transit Authority (UTA) is responsible for providing public transportation to Utah residents across the Wasatch Front. The goals of UTA are to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, stimulate development in urban centers, provide an affordable transportation alternative to driving, get people to jobs and school, provide service to everyone who pays for transit, and connect people to social services. These goals can be sorted into two major categories, ridership and coverage. Ridership approaches the transit system like a business, aiming to attract as many riders as possible by available in as many places as possible. Important ridership considerations involve transit service; how often it runs, where it runs, and when it runs. Coverage treats the transit system more like a public service, focusing on providing transit access for all. Both goals are important but lead in opposite directions, making it important for UTA to hear about rider’s priorities.

UTA is asking the public how they feel bus resources should be distributed by gathering feedback through surveys, public events, and community leader workshops. Current overall UTA bus services are focused 55% on ridership and 45% on coverage. With the information gathered will develop a new bus network plan which incorporates the public’s priorities as understood from the engagement process. This new plan will be implemented fall of 2021. You can take part this planning process by answering the question on the UTA website.


Following the presentation, partners shared what projects and initiatives they are currently working on. These included:

Michelle Brown, State of Utah – Last year the state began a teleworking pilot project. During the legislative session they received additional funding to continue the program. They are now phasing in different agencies across the state.

Bryce Bird, Division of Air Quality – There is a public comment period about regional haze going on right now. The next air quality board meeting will be about smoke management, which is also tied to regional haze. Ozone season is coming up. There will be public outreach to ensure people understand the health impacts and emissions reductions actions that should be taken.

Greg Libecci, Salt Lake City School District – The district has a no idling ordinance at all their schools. They are working to establish a district-wide committee on health and well-being, as well as, a sustainability program.

Thom Carter, UCAIR – On April 13th UCAIR had a successful gas can exchange event. 1,000 gas cans were exchanged in partnership with Boeing, Union Pacific, and the Eccles Foundation.

  • The Governor’s Energy Summit will be at the Grand America Hotel on May 30th. Use promo code ENERGY2019 for $25 off.
  • The Giant in our City event on May 31st will be honoring Merit Medical’s Fred Lampropoulos.
  • The 2019 Salt Lake City mayoral candidate transportation forum will be Wednesday, June 5th at the Salt Lake Public Library 6:30-8:00 pm.
  • If you use Lime you can round up your Lime purchase to donate to UCAIR. Be a Lime Hero.

Please go to the UCAIR blog featuring partner meetings and the UCAIR community calendar for upcoming events.

NEXT MEETING: June 14, 2019, 9:00-11:00 AM